Name of Journal   : International Journal of Hydroclimatic Engineering  
  Aim and Scope   : This journal aims to publish innovative articles from the field of hydrology, climate science, and their interactions. Any study which highlights climate change impacts on hydrological and associated parameters is aptly accepted for review. Articles are online as and when it is accepted for publication.
  Keywords   : hydrology climate change modeling and simulation hydro-climatic interactions
  First Issue   : 2010 Submit Your Manuscript :
  Special Issue   : Impact of Climate Change on Virtual and Green Water Availability in Arid Regions
  Call for Paper   : 31st Mar 2024 Status : Open
  Last Date of Submission of Articles   : 28th Mar 2025 Estimated Date of Publication : 28th June 2025
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    Id : 20240101                        
  Type : Republished  
  Authors [1] Hii Ching Poon [2] Heng Hock Hwee                    
  Designation 1) Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak; Email:
    2) Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia.
  Title : Probable Maximum Precipitation Derivation in Malaysia: Review and Comparison
  Abstract : The importance of PMP is always highlighted and emphasized in terms of public safety and hazard downstream of any major river regulating structures especially if it is located in the upland catchment of the populated town or city centers. As such the PMP convention is always a requirement as primary design dam/reservoir criteria when public safety is of concern. The objective of this review is to compare the Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) convention of SMHB/B&P vis-à-vis other consultants’ studies that have been carried out in Malaysia. The review primarily addresses the issues on the PMP derivation in Peninsular Malaysia and with minimum coverage of PMP issues in the Borneo states of Sarawak and Sabah. The short- and long-duration PMP values were applied in Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo states. The PMPs adopted by SMHB/B&P are further classified into two series, i.e. Coastal and Inland. Fourteen (14) reports and studies related to the derivation of PMP in Peninsular Malaysia by other consultants were discussed in detailed. Both PMPs adopted by SMHB/B&P and studies by other consultants are presented systematically in tandem in this review. It should be emphasized a priori that there is no single unified methodology or procedure in estimating PMP values in Malaysia, specifically for the case 24-hour duration PMP adopted in various studies throughout Peninsular Malaysia. Competent professionals and experts in this specialized field may even obtain different results because most these estimations required subjective judgments and empiricisms.
  Keyword : Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP)                    
      Public safety    
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    Id : 20240101                        
  Type : Republished   
  Authors [1] Mrinmoy Majumder [2] Rabindra Nath Barman [3] Pankaj K Roy [4] Asis Mazumdar          
  Designation 1) Senior Research Fellow, School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700 032,West Bengal, India.
    2) Associate Professor, Department of Production Engineering,National Institute of Technology,Agartala,Tripura,India.
    3) Lecturer, School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700 032,West Bengal, India.
    4) Professor, School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700 032,West Bengal, India.
  Title : Estimating Spatial Variation of Time of Concentration in an Undulating River Basin
  Abstract : The time of concentration plays a vital role in estimation of flow rate. Kirpich, Kerby etc. estimated as a function of length, slope and earth type coefficients which varies with ground cover and topography of a watershed. The present study tried to estimate spatial variation of time of concentration in an undulating river basin with widely varied ground cover and topology. A spatially varied is important as this can help to create a Continuously Distributed Hydrologic Model (CDHM). Presently, hydrologic models are either lumped or discretely distributive. Accuracy of the later is far better than the former but still not as accurate as a continuously distributive model. Continuously distributive models are those models which consider each point of a watershed to estimate discharge at the outlet. Spatial variation of the variable can help to produce such models as it represents the impact of topography and distance from river channel, on discharge at the outlet of the river. In the present study,time of concentration was calculated with Topography Dependant Kirpich Equation(TDKE) Algorithm which calculates based on geo-morphological differences of the points with the help of Kirpich Equation. The result was fed into Geo-Spatial-Neuro-Genetic model (GSNG) which is used to generate the same for greater number of points within the selected river basin. The predicted values were used to draw an Iso-Time-Line Map (ISTLM) to show the spatial variation of which was the objective of the study. According to the ITLM, upstream and some part of downstream near the median of the river network, was found to have larger time of concentration than that of south zone. Hence, the river flow rate of upstream was slower than that of the downstream. The model GSNG considers input as well as output parameters as a function of space instead of time. So the model is continuously distributive in nature and if the output of this model is fed to existing hydrologic models, a continuously distributive hydrologic model can be developed.
  Keyword : time of concentration                    
      multi-reservoir system    
      neuro-genetic models                    
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    Id   20240101                        
  Type   Open  
  Guest Editors [1] Dr.Mrinmoy Majumder [2] Dr. Ganesh D Kale                  
  Designation 1) Associate Professor,School of Hydroinformatics Engineering(Under CE Dept.),National Institute of Technology Agartala,Tripura,India
    2) Associate Professor,Department of Civil Engineering,National Institute of Technology Agartala,Tripura,India
  Title : Impact of Climate Change on Virtual and Green Water Availability in Arid Regions
  Abstract : Virtual water refers to the hidden water used in the production of goods and services, while green water is the water stored in soil and vegetation. Arid regions, characterized by low precipitation and high evaporation rates, are particularly susceptible to the effects of climate change, leading to increased water scarcity and potential conflicts over resources. As global temperatures rise and precipitation patterns shift, the availability of water in arid regions will be further compromised, posing significant challenges for both human populations and ecosystems. For example, in the Middle East, agriculture accounts for a large portion of water use, with countries like Saudi Arabia relying heavily on virtual water imports to meet their food demands. As water scarcity worsens in the region due to climate change, competition for limited water resources may escalate tensions between neighboring countries. This could lead to conflicts over access to water sources such as rivers or aquifers, as seen in the case of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers shared by Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. Additionally, disputes over water rights could exacerbate existing political tensions in the region, potentially leading to further instability and conflict. A counterexample to this scenario could be the successful management of shared water resources in regions like the Nile River basin, where countries have established cooperative agreements to ensure equitable distribution of water. This demonstrates that effective governance and diplomatic efforts can mitigate tensions over water scarcity and prevent conflicts from arising. However, in the case of the Jordan River, despite being shared by Israel, Jordan, Palestine, and Syria, ongoing political conflicts have hindered efforts to establish cooperative agreements for water management. This highlights that even with successful examples in other regions, political tensions and lack of cooperation can still lead to conflicts over shared water resources.
One potential solution to address water scarcity in arid regions is through the implementation of water conservation and management strategies. This may include the use of drip irrigation systems, rainwater harvesting, and the recycling of wastewater for agricultural and industrial purposes. Additionally, promoting sustainable land use practices, such as reforestation and soil conservation, can help to improve water retention in the soil and reduce erosion. Collaboration between governments, communities, and stakeholders is essential to developing and implementing effective water management plans that prioritise the needs of both people and the environment. By taking proactive measures to safeguard water resources, arid regions can better adapt to the challenges of climate change and ensure a more secure water future for all. Implementing efficient water recycling systems and investing in desalination technology can also help mitigate water scarcity in arid regions. Education and awareness campaigns can further encourage water conservation practices among the population. By working together towards sustainable water management, arid regions can thrive even in the face of changing environmental conditions.

This special issue will provide a common platform for all the professors,researchers, scientists, and students on this topic to submit their research work, from identification to intervention  and collaboration in addressing the water management challenges faced by arid regions. The works must be original and novel , with the aim of advancing knowledge in the field and ultimately improving water management practices in arid regions.
  Keyword   Arid region                        
      Virtual Water        
      Green Water                        
  Last date of Submission 28th Mar 2025 Submit Your Manuscript :              
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